He got word that it was time to shut his office down and send everyone home. He was nervous, but figured it’d be okay… After all, they have their cellphones, email, and a few applications they can access.
Within weeks, he was getting phone calls from customers who haven’t heard any updates, didn’t get the files they needed, and overall, were sympathetic with the situation but wanted to get at least SOME level of service.
His staff was struggling…
Here’s the thing… Managing a team that’s working from home isn’t the same as working in the office. Their technology simply isn’t setup to make them productive or keep them secure.
When this local business owner called us, I sent him the untold best practices for remote work – revealed and within a couple hours, he called me to thank me profusely for helping him figure out what to do next.
Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices for Business Owners & Their Remote Teams.
This guide is ideal for anyone who is struggling with remote work, In this guide, we share…
Get all of this now – FREE of cost.